Golden Krone Hotel is nearing release on Early Access and it’s gonna need an honest-to-goodness title screen. I think I’ve come up with something pretty cool, so here’s a post showing how it was done. click to embiggen I’m often overwhelmed when I see big pixel art pieces. I hope breaking it down step by step […]
I haven’t updated the blog in a while, but don’t worry! I have been quietly plugging away at the game. Since my last post, I’ve rounded out the spells and potions (for a total of 20 spells and 40 potions). I’ve added a revolver, shops, chests, water, noise, damage indicators, and a boatload of other […]
This post is about how I improved the graphical features in a simple HTML5 game. I did so by, among other things, adding a 2.5D perspective. But more importantly it’s about how I optimized the performance of said graphics. If you’ve ever written a 2.5D game engine, you probably know exactly how to do this. […]
Conceits and Deceits in Her Story
If you’re the kind of person that has ever used the phrase “but it’s not a game,” you should stop reading immediately and go play a real game instead. Her Story stands proudly in that “Not Game” category. The obvious comparison is Gone Home, but Her Story jumps right past the exploration of physical spaces into […]
It’s been a few weeks since IRDC 2015 in Atlanta, the first IRDC in the states. The dust has settled, several youtube videos of talks finally got uploaded (part of the reason this is 3 weeks late), and I’ve collected my thoughts. Here they are. Kawa did a write-up on IRDC 2015 and called it “one of the most […]
Hi. I’m Jeremiah and this is the blog for Golden Krone Hotel, a roguelike about sunlight, stealth, and vampires. I plan to talk about Golden Krone Hotel specifically, but also roguelikes and game design in general. Check out the trailer and if you like it, please vote for the game on Steam Greenlight. If you […]